राष्ट्रीय सीमा शुल्क, अप्रत्यक्ष कर और नार्कोटिक्स अकादमी (एनएसीआइएन)
National Academy of Customs, Indirect Taxes & Narcotics (NACIN)       
आंचलिक परिसर लखनऊ / Lucknow Zonal Campus

From the Pr. ADG's Desk

AS Pr. ADG NACIN ZONAL CAMPUS LUCKNOW it is my esteemed privilege to welcome you aboard as you join us in a journey of self-exploration and capacity building. I assure you that NACIN zonal campus Lucknow will surpass your expectations and you will be pleasantly surprised when you enter our campus which lies in the heart of the city.

At NACIN Lucknow our endeavour is to ensure greatest commitment towards capacity building of our Staff and officers of all cadres.

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Pr. Additional Director General